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location_onAurora, CO

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Software Developer Bootcamp Graduate 2021

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Bachelor Of Science In Biology 2019

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Associate Of Science 2016

Stack Experience

CSharp ImageC#

VS ImageVisual Studio

SQL ImageSQL Server

jQuery ImagejQuery


Jira ImageJira

Who I Am

I am a mother of two, or three if you count my husband. *winks* My kids are my life. We love to be outside, so we will do anything that gets us outdoors. Recently we have taken up bike riding. It is peaceful and the children love the ride. When we are not outside we are enjoying the abundance of cute cartoons currently streaming. Encanto is the new favorite! If I manage to get time to myself, I am usually watching something comedic for a good laugh and eating sweets that I try not to feed the kiddos. I am an animal lover and a people person, as you will see in my work history.

Family Image
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Currently I am a Junior Full Stack Developer with the wonderful company of Where Food Comes From. Here I am tasked with edits and updates to a program for cattle farmers. Where Food Comes From is a third party verification company. They conduct audits for certifications that farmers use. I love that this company is working for the people. Everyone wants to know their food is safe and healthy. The program I work in uses C#, .Net Framework, and Visual Studio, among the various other coding additions like jquery and sql. I enjoy every new task to investigate and complete, while learning something new every day. My boss is a brilliant man and a great mentor. I couldn’t have asked for a better start into the world of technology.

November 2021 - Present

WFCF Image



DaVita is my most recent position and last before I started in the tech industry. I was a patient care tech here. I really enjoyed the relationships I built with my patients. I enjoyed this career because it felt like I was helping people and making a difference in many people’s lives. It was a career where my kindness and helpful personality could flourish. I had a hard time with the more mentally challenging parts of this field, like losing a patient, so I searched for a different field entirely. I will, however, always miss my DaVita family!

February 2020 - November 2021

DaVita Image


Vetco was a wonderful experience! I was a Clinic Leader here and I got to spend my days handling puppies and kitties. I don’t care how old a pet is, they are still a puppy or kitty. Here I learned a tremendous amount about the veterinary health of a pet. I enjoyed my days with other veterinary technicians and veterinarians. I learned so much and enjoyed my coworkers' company. I couldn’t give up this position when I started DaVita, so I stayed as long as my newborn baby, DaVita, and the bootcamp would let me. I eventually got too busy to spend the proper time with my family so, reluctantly, I let Vetco go.

October 2017 - Decemeber 2020

Vetco Image
Thank You Image

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